Happy Anniversary Salt Lake City!
For 85 years, Vortex Doors has helped businesses install, maintain, and repair doors and commercial door equipment. Doors provide security and allow business to move goods quickly through warehouses and shipping facilities, in order to ensure products and raw materials are put to use instead of sitting idle. Without a doubt, Vortex staff has been central not only to our success, but the success of the businesses we serve. That’s why today, we wanted to take a moment to congratulate our Salt Lake City Service Center.
For the past 26 years, our Salt Lake City technicians have assisted companies throughout Central and Northern Utah. Their dedication and tireless work ethic have improved the lives of business owners and community members across the state. The support you’ve cultivated in the community is part of the reason we will be able to open an additional location in Ogden by the end of 2022, in order to help ensure our response time is fast for our customers.
Thank you Salt Lake! Remember, Vortex Doors provides expert repair and installation services to companies throughout the United States. If you’re looking for help with your doors, click to find a service center location near you.