Happy Anniversary Santa Clara, Sacramento, & Dallas!
Vortex prides itself on service, skill, and loyalty. We’ve been in business for 85 years, but we couldn’t have come this far without the hard work and support of our local service centers. Our customers appreciate the effort you make caring for their businesses. Whether it’s installing or repairing gates, doors, or grilles, your dedication has made a big impact.
A special shout-out to three service centers celebrating their anniversaries this month!
Santa Clara has been providing quality service since 1999. Its technicians have been setting up and restoring doors in the Bay Area for 23 years.
Sacramento has been assisting customers in the Central Valley since 2001. Californians appreciate the hours they’ve put in maintaining their door and docking equipment over the last 21 years.
Dallas opened its doors in 2011. For eleven years, they’ve helped large and small businesses all over North Texas.
Thank you all for your devotion and expertise. Local businesses rely on you in order to run smoothly!
Looking for help with door repair or installation? Find a Vortex location near you.