7 Service Centers Go Accident and Injury Free in 2020
While 2020 provided its own challenges to our safety initiatives, we’re excited to celebrate seven Vortex Service Centers that went Accident and Injury Free in 2020. We’re always striving to maintain a safe environment with a company-wide commitment to safety, including mandatory training and state of the art equipment.
“To have hundreds of trucks on the road and even more technicians out working in the field, it’s a major accomplishment to go all year with zero accidents and injuries,” said John Geis, Vice President of Safety. “Our safety commitment paired with our motto, Everyone Goes Home Safe Every Day, really hit home in 2020 despite the trying year. I’m proud to congratulate everyone who hit this milestone and continues to put safety first!”
Congratulations to the following Service Centers:
- San Fernando Valley Service Center, CA Van Nuys Service Center, CA
- Industry Service Center, CA
- Inland Service Center, CA Riverside Service Center, CA
- North San Diego Service Center, CA
- Phoenix Service Center, AZ
- Central Valley Service Center, CA Fresno/Bakersfield Service Center, CA
- East Bay Service Center, CA
Read more about Vortex’s Safety Commitment here.